Applied Learning Programme
Applied Learning Programme
The WDP Applied Learning Programme (ALP) is the Joy of Learning Languages (JOL2@WOODS). It is a six-year progressive programme that complements the English Language and Mother Tongue Languages curriculum.
Outcomes of the ALP
Through the ALP, we:
1. Nurture Woodlanders’ passion in the lifelong learning of languages;
2. Enable Woodlanders to articulate confidently in English and Mother Tongue languages;
3. Guide Woodlanders to become self-directed and contribute actively in collaborative work;
4. Promote reflective thinking and encourage self-expression through perspective taking; and
5. Give Woodlanders a platform to demonstrate the school core values and work in tandem with the school vision in all their endeavours
Signature Programmes under the ALP
Our ALP adopts an integrated approach, with signature programmes for pupils across English Language and the various Mother Tongue Languages. This consolidates pupils’ learning and strengthens the impact of the programmes on Woodlanders’ joy of learning languages.
- At Lower Primary (P1-P2), Woodlanders take part in Readers’ Theatre to enjoy performing and gain confidence in the use of language, as well as develop their presentation skills in English and Mother Tongue Languages. They read the script with their teachers and discuss it in detail to comprehend it at both the literal and figurative levels. They learn how to use gestures and facial expressions to communicate the complexities of the plot and characters in the story, rehearse their lines and practise their performance as a class during both English Language and Mother Tongue lessons. This culminates in a year-end showcase put up by each class for other classes in the level to view and appreciate.
- P3 and P4 Woodlanders develop skills to read, discuss, understand and write a review on varied texts such as storybooks and newspaper articles from newsletters such as What’s Up and Thumbs Up. They cultivate their ability to engage in critical thinking and perspective taking, while honing their presentation and public speaking skills by presenting the reviews they have written in English and the Mother Tongue Languages.
- Upper Primary Woodlanders (P5-P6) read and share news articles frequently in their language lessons to expose them to journalistic writing and current affairs locally/globally. A number of them are also taught journalistic writing elements and provided with platforms to publish their work within school and out of school.
- Selected pupils from P3 to P6 are also identified as budding emcees, reading ambassadors and debaters. They are given additional customised training to help them build a more specialised set of language skills to be effective communicators in a variety of speech situations.